From mid-April to now, mid-June, we have been busy. It has been a rush of work mostly in that M's business is taking a life of its own and I was substitute teaching wherever I could. Now that has subsided... M is off for England tomorrow for 2 weeks and I am into writing mode full time. Though July will be consistent days as a summer school coordinator, I will have time to write too with the hope of being done with my exams by the end of the summer.
As such, we have neglected the garden. Also not contributing to our energy is the prolonged rain and cold. And a small toe surgery :)
But from here on out, there will be regular outside time and that is exciting! I look forward to continued (and never-ending) work on our habitat rehabilitation project as well as the garden maintenance.
Last night we harvested strawberries which have LOVED the rain. Fortunately we got them before the rabbits and slugs ate them all (as they did with all of the peas and the broccoli)
In the meantime, here are some pictures taken recently:
Cats sleeping on a Tuesday
Cats sleeping on a Wednesday
Cats sleeping on a Thursday
Cats sleeping on a Friday... i am so tickled that they slept so much while I was writing. It is a cute inspiration.
This is summer when western Washington is wet and rainy all the way through June. Flowers still bloom, strawberries still flourish AND snickerdoodle cookies :)