Forty pounds of tomatoes turned into a lot of salsa and marinara sauce
So many basil plants... some for the marinara and some for the pesto we froze!
Marinara boiled down with lots if ingredients: carrots, celery, garlic, onions, etc.)
THEN.... we went to Port Townsend for an overnight visit with Cousin Aaron.
These are his two male sheep. I think he has three or five other females in a different pen
One of many ducks.
A "litter" of 18-20 ducklings that had hatched overnight! We helped corral mom and the ducks into a safe place. Aaron sent us home with two duck breasts actually. Yum!
The three of us in Port Townsend... he also sent us home with two packages of bacon from his pigs, three eggplant, some onions, beets, and other goodness. Great to see you Aaron... keep up the good work. We appreciate it! EAT LOCAL, ORGANIC, FRESH, REAL FOOD!
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