Hi readers... very few since I changed the blog's theme from traveling to nature. I have to write a little bit about the journey I took in late June.
I took part in a 4-H (WSU) sponsored Adult Guide training intensive. Click here to see the program. or copy and paste this url: http://4h.wsu.edu/challenge/rite/adultleadership.html
The short of it is that I went through my own rite of passage. I am claiming adulthood.
I resonated so much with this opportunity and suggest that anyone who reads this makes the space to do this training. It is such deep, strong, valuable, important personal work that many of us have never had the chance to pursue. It will bring deeper connection to yourself, your family, your work, your community, and to the land.
I am thankful for the land on which I spent seven full days outside. Gorgeous country above Ellensberg in central Washington. I would love to speak with anyone about it because it is an incredible story. But it is long and it may take a while. Nothing I can write down, that's for sure.
Thankful to the raccoons for guiding me to the sacred river and for frog for asking me to jump... and thankful for getting wet too!
With this experience in my heart, I will head to the coast today (July 27) with two other great men and the boys in our oldest program. We will facilitate a rite of passage during this six-day outing. How exciting! Click here to see our work or copy and paste this url: http://wildwhatcom.org/ozette-passage/
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